Partho and TAO: Journey from Chaos to Clarity

Partho worked at AV Analytics as the Head of Corporate Relations for 6 years. He aimed for the Chief Customer Officer role, drawing on 15 years of Customer Experience expertise.

People respected him at work and in the industry, and he was easy to talk to. One day, during a meeting with the CEO, Aryaveer, and his colleague Beverly, who led the Retail side of the business, Partho said, ‘Aryaveer and Beverly, from now on, we need to focus more on learning in our department. We should have a structure, like a Coach and a Captain, like in Cricket. I was thinking…’ Before Partho could finish, the CEO interrupted him and said, ‘Great idea, Partho! With your experience, you could be the Coach, and Beverly could be the Captain – our next CCO. What do you both think?’

Partho was surprised and disappointed because he wanted to be the next CCO but his boss gave him a different job. He didn’t argue because he believed you should always listen to authority, something he learned in childhood. He never questioned his parents, teachers, or bosses.

He said, ‘Wow, Training & Development! I’m excited to do this. Congratulations, Beverly! I look forward to working with you!’ Beverly hugged him and thanked him. The CEO assured him that he would still report to him.

Partho’s team moved to Beverly’s, and they both started their new jobs. But Partho struggled as a coach and mentor because his team didn’t trust his training skills. He was good at managing teams and clients, but training was different, and he seemed unsure of himself.

After six months, there was no progress with the training, so Beverly and Aryaveer decided to have short sessions instead of Partho’s detailed plan. The CEO moved Partho to the Organization Development team. Partho didn’t know what to do.

On his way home, he went to the beach. He found a quiet spot and wished for his mentor, TAO, to be there. ‘If only I could find you, TAO. I need you now!’ he said with tears.

And then TAO said, ‘Look around, Partho! I’m right here beside you!’ Partho hugged TAO and cried. TAO told him to calm down and reminded him of the lessons he taught.

Partho said, ‘TAO, a year ago, I was happy, hoping to be the next CCO. But now, I’m struggling in Training & Development, and I don’t know what to do.’

TAO said, ‘I understand your situation, Partho. You need to reflect on your past experiences that made you believe certain things about yourself and the world. These beliefs have influenced your thoughts, feelings, and actions. Who is responsible for that, Partho?’

 Partho said, ‘My parents, of course! They never taught me.’

TAO stood up and said, ‘Partho, close your eyes and listen carefully. The only person holding you back is YOU. You’ve always lived in fear, and that’s why I deferred our spiritual sessions so you could reflect. I wanted you to learn from your mistakes and failures. *Fear and Faith both ask you to believe in things you can’t see. You need to choose wisely.*

You’re meant to help people find their path in life but to succeed, you must know yourself and follow your path. You need to decode life’s lessons and rewire your brain, thoughts, and subconscious mind.

Reflect on your life, visualize the life you want, and see yourself living it. Imagine the traits, habits, and behaviors of that version of you. Once you do this, you’ll start rewiring your subconscious and move toward your desired reality.

Stop complaining, Partho. Go home, visualize what I said, write it down, and act on it. You’ll find your path and help others find theirs.’

When Partho opened his eyes, TAO was gone. Was TAO there, or was it a hallucination? Partho thanked TAO for the answers.

We all go through this. It’s important to reflect on our beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and actions. Our subconscious can help us achieve what we want if we understand our lessons and live the life we desire. It’s about rewiring our thoughts and emotions into empowering actions to live the life we want.

*Note*: Partho and TAO will be back.


As a Catalyst, Coach, and Speaker, my mission is to assist purpose-driven Leaders, Professionals, and Entrepreneurs in transitioning from Chaos to Clarity by rewiring their narratives. Feel free to reach out if you need assistance!

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