In this immersive 4-hour interactive Storycreating WorkTalk, I invite you on a journey of personal development and growth, empowering you to transform your Thinking, Emotions, and Actions.

Let’s delve deep into reshaping your life’s narrative and nourishing your mind for an engaging, fulfilling, and growth-focused journey. What’s Your Story? Are you ready to level up?

During this transformative Storycreating WorkTalk, I’ll introduce the concept of the Jeeva-Pulse Framework, which drives the plot of your life. This will prompt contemplation on how past experiences have shaped your present thought patterns, emotional management, traits, actions, and behaviors. Through encouraging Self-discovery, I will equip you with the tools to Rewrite your Life Patterns, Story, and Narrative.


  • Decode Impact of Early Life Experiences: Understand how past experiences influence your current story.
  • Identify Patterns and Limiting Beliefs: Recognize and overcome obstacles holding you back.
  •  Transform the Way You Think, Feel, and Act: Foster a positive mindset for personal growth.
  • Emotional Management and Self-Reflection: Develop skills for emotional well-being.
  • Rescript Your Patterns, Story, and Narratives: Take control and shape a more empowering narrative.
  • Change Your Life’s KAHAANI to Thrive, Transform, and Succeed: Elevate your life story for lasting impact.

Program Inclusion

  • Pre-Session Activity: Prepare for a personalized and impactful experience.
  • 4-Hour Storycreating WorkTalk: Dive deep into transformational stories, discussions and activities.
  • 60-Min 1:1 Catch-Up Post-WorkTalk: Reflect on your journey and receive additional guidance.
  • Quarterly 45-min Check-in as a Group: track progress and share learnings for further growth and transformation

We are all here to create our story, and identifying our reason to live is crucial. Decoding and releasing limiting experiences, shedding disempowering narratives, embracing your true self, and creating a lasting positive impact are key elements of this transformative program.

For those seeking a condensed experience, a 100-minute version is available. However, for a detailed exploration and to truly Rescript Your Life’s story, I recommend signing up for the 4-hour Storycreating WorkTalk.

The world is waiting to hear Your Story – so sign up, because KAHAANI ABHI BAKI HAI!