Current Health & Wellness Challenges Faced by India Inc.
Pic Credit: Eco Times

While researching and studying the Current Landscape of Wellness in India we came across a long list of Wellness challenges faced by India Inc. We studied each of those challenges and have identified the TOP 12 Wellness challenges faced by India Inc TODAY!

These 12 challenges have been mentioned in the order of their intensity:

  1. Inability to Find Deeper Meaning at Work
  2. High Stressful environment
  3. High Fear of Failure
  4. Feeling lost and confused
  5. Feeling Lonely
  6. Issues with Confidence, Self-Esteem and Self-Worth
  7. Anxiety & Other Emotional challenges
  8. Poor Lifestyle leading to Lifestyle Disorders
  9. Passive Aggressive behavior
  10. Low on Happiness
  11. Fear of Money
  12. Anger Management issues

Well, if you go through the above list, you will see that they are all connected. It all begins with the INDIVIDUAL. If a person is low on self-awareness and is unable to connect to his own purpose, thoughts, emotions and behaviours, he will feel lost, can’t establish deep connections at work, will get stressed and may adopt a mechanical approach to survive in life.

But you know what, it isn’t as bad as it looks. Organizations need to focus on just these THREE PARAMETERS to ensure Wellbeing of their people:

  1. Self-Awareness – help people connect to who they are, focus on helping them improve their Emotional Intelligence
  2. Passion & Purpose – help them understand their calling, match roles that meet their capabilities and enrich their life by helping them find and develop their Passion.
  3. Focus on the HapptivatorTM Scale  – when people are high on self-awareness, know what matters to them, it will impact their Happiness as well as Motivation levels thus maximizing their Performance and Productivity.

Needless to say that by doing all of the above, you may not only help them lead a healthy life but also enable them to drive your Revenue, Clients and Profits. So it’s a Win-Win situation for Individuals as well as Organizations.

To know more about how to make this happen, do reach out to me on +91-97698 69902 or

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