6 Tips for Successfully Navigating Org. Restructuring

Akshat had eagerly awaited a well-deserved promotion after more than a decade of dedication to Kadus Consulting Inc, where he held the role of CX Head. The coveted position of VP, Customer Experience was on the horizon, and he was excited.

The day of the organizational restructuring meeting with the CEO, CHRO, and his colleague Ali, Head of Marketing, was filled with both anticipation and anxiety. However, the meeting took an unexpected turn. The CEO announced that CX would now fall under Marketing and that an external candidate would be brought in as VP – CX, reporting to Ali, who was promoted as the new CMO.

Akshat was left in shock, realizing he would remain two levels below his colleague, now outranked by an external hire. The meeting quickly ended, and he left without discussing his concerns with the CEO and CHRO.

Akshat was heartbroken and contemplated quitting.

This situation, while painful, is not uncommon in organizations. They prioritize metrics such as EBITDA, which they must present to the Board and investors. It’s a reminder that in corporate restructuring, it’s often the bottom line that prevails.

Experiencing a situation like Akshat’s can be disheartening, but it’s possible to navigate it successfully.

Here’s a roadmap for those facing such challenges:

  1. Connect and Allow It to Sink In: Embrace your feelings and seek support. Speak to a trusted friend or confidant, and don’t hesitate to express your emotions.
  2. Reflect: Once you’ve processed your emotions, objectively review the events of the discussion. Analyze your performance, but only when you’re in a calm state of mind.
  3. Draw Your Options: Consider your career options within the organization and the industry. Identify your strengths and areas for improvement, then connect them with the role you aimed for.
  4. Create Your Own Questions: Prepare a list of questions for the CEO and CHRO based on your reflections. Research the role you aspired to and how you would fit in.
  5. Have an Open Talk: Communicate your feelings and inquire about their perspective. Understand why they thought you weren’t suitable for the role. Compare their feedback with your own observations, and discuss your future.
  6. Make a Decision: The final decision is yours. If you believe you can continue to grow within the organization, stay and work towards that. However, if you feel your growth has been hindered, don’t hesitate to look elsewhere for opportunities. Ensure your decision is rational, not emotional. Stay aligned with your passions and goals.

I’ve personally faced similar situations in my career and managed to overcome them. Remember, your life and purpose are yours to steer in the right direction. External circumstances like organizational restructuring are temporary and should not deter you from your path.

I specialize in assisting Professionals and Entrepreneurs in overcoming obstacles in life through Coaching, Counseling, and Mentoring. Feel free to send a DM to learn more.

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