6 Strategies to Nurture your Mental Health

We can rupture our stomach if we eat too much! We know that and we consciously stop ourselves from not eating too much! But when it comes to overthinking, we just cannot get ourselves out of it.

Overthinking is as bad as overeating – so why aren’t we just letting it go?

Because overthinking has become our comfort zone. We have become addicted to it and cannot live without it! Overthinking is not a mental health condition but could be one of the symptoms of Anxiety and Depression. Overthinking leads to stress, hair loss and headaches.

Mental health is very much a part of us, and it deals with our ability to Think, Feel and Act. It is time to remove the blindfold and allow ourselves to act on our emotions. Our mental health has a deep connection to our childhood. If you have had a protective environment and have been an anxious being since your childhood, then you may have trouble expressing your emotions freely.

When we suppress our emotions, it starts impacting us from within and we stop being honest with ourselves. It is time to Reconnect and Rejuvenate!

Here are 6 Strategies to Nurture your Mental Health

  1. Connect to your Anxiety, Fears and Worries – you are thinking about something you have no control over. So, how is it helping? What are you worried about? Allow yourself to pause and reflect. Connect to your fears and anxiety. Ruminating about your past or worrying about the future will not help you. Now, do not judge yourself for overthinking. Connect to those thoughts and emotions and strike a conversation with yourself just the way you would with a friend. I do this frequently to get myself out of this rut. Practice this to calm your senses!
  2. Breathe – believe in yourself and in your capabilities of making things happen. Believe in the process of life and keep going!
  3. Set Healthy Boundaries – this is something we ought to do. By setting boundaries you are respecting yourself as a person and letting people know that you matter and your views matter. The world needs to know that you have your own individuality that needs to be respected. Believe me, people will respect you for this and you will save yourself from all those who love to put others down.
  4. Stop Judging yourself – the next time you find yourself faltering or making mistakes do not judge yourself. It is perfectly fine to fail or make mistakes. Learn from your mistakes and allow yourself to grow.
  5. Act on your Fears – take baby steps. Do one thing at a time. Say for instance, if you have a fear of being judged and are unable to share your views during a corporate presentation, then connect to your fear and share your views atleast once during the week. Evaluate your performance during the meeting, document your learnings and apply it during the next meeting. This is how you will overcome your fears. Remember that our fears are only asking us to take charge of our life!
  6. Be Who You Are – you have been living someone else’s life for way too long! Break away from your patterns and release those limiting beliefs. Be the Best Version of Yourself! Being Your True self is the best gift you could ever give to yourself. Share your feelings and do what you love!

We all have a natural gift of expression it is just that we do not give ourselves the permission to do so. Feel your emotions and express yourself in a healthy way. Express, Experience and Nurture!

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