6 Simple Strategies for Managing Difficult People

We all have difficult people in our lives who may be a nuisance at times. Some of us call them, “Energy vampires” as they drain our emotional energy. They feed on our energy and our willingness to listen to them.

But you know what, people aren’t ‘difficult’ it’s the conversations that make our lives hell. As if, we are at a standoff with neither side willing to budge.

Through this article, I wish to share 6 simple strategies to help you get off on the right foot.

# 1 – Breathe – it is extremely essential for us to align with our energy. Try to breathe in and out while listening (or reading) to what is being said. Observe the energy that flows from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet. This will help you release the unwanted stress that you may have picked up during the conversation.

# 2 – Listen – to what is being said without any judgement and by separating your own feelings. Listen to the tone of the speaker without getting affected by it. This will help you to look at things objectively.

# 3 – Seek Clarity – this will help you get to the root-cause of the issue that is being discussed. It may also help you in decoding the thinking pattern of the parties involved. This is the most crucial step in navigating yourself out of these difficult conversations.

# 4 – Speak – you are now ready to make your points with precision and clarity. By seeking clarity and looking at things objectively you are sending out signs of being a solutions-oriented individual and you are ready to help people reach a common ground.

# 5 Common Ground – work towards arriving at a common ground to solve the issue at hand. It is not always about winning or losing but it is about learning from each other. For instance, if you have views about bringing about certain changes within your team and if others aren’t willing to budge then try and understand their hassles or concerns before you come up with solutions to mitigate their concerns.

If you realize that the discussion is about to take an ugly turn into a full-blown war, then it is recommended to adjourn the meeting to another day.

# 6 Negotiate next steps – if you have arrived at a common ground, all you need to do is to set up responsibilities with concrete next steps to help you move forward.

It is all about taking ownership and responsibility of our lives. The next time you find yourself in the middle of a difficult conversation, take a step back and follow the steps I have mentioned above. Remember, this too shall pass!

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