5 Tips for a Healthier Gut

Our thinking and emotions often have a direct impact on our Gut. Gut responds to our emotions.

It is a known fact that there is a deep connection between our Mind and the Gut. In fact, Gut is also known as the “second brain” and is the most underrated part of our body (sad, isn’t it!?)

We avoid overeating because it causes bloating and makes us very uncomfortable. Overthinking causes discomfort, anxiety and under confidence and yet we continue to overthink and burn ourselves out. This disempowering habit of overthinking too weakens our Gut. Why can’t we stop overthinking?

Because that’s how we have been conditioned. We have seen our parents and people around us obsessing about situations and events they can’t control and so we just adopt their traits. We are control freaks and want to control everything and everyone. Our mind needs to be trained and pulled back every time we obsess about situations and events outside our control.

Nervousness and Worry too weaken our Gut. We know this and yet we continue to put pressure on the Gut. Apart from being an emotional powerhouse our Gut also hones our intuition. Worry, Stress and Fatigue impact our intuitive capacity. Address your anxiety and nervousness to increase your intuitive capacity.

It’s time we take charge of our lives and focus on keeping the Gut healthy. So, here are 5 Tips for a healthier Gut according to an Emotional Wellness Coach.

Why should Nutritionists have all the fun with improving Gut health? Emotional Wellness Coaches too can help people manage the health of their Gut 🙂

Did you know? Gut has a message for us – Absorption & Transformation (not just food but also unaddressed emotions, thoughts and feelings).

1. Start Believing in Yourself – focus on improving your self-awareness, your strengths, weaknesses, triggers, traumatic memories and opportunities you may have lost out on due to low confidence. Talk to people you trust and those who genuinely care about you. They may share a few blind spots about you which will enable you to become a better version of yourself. Believing in Yourself is the only solution to help you build confidence. Self-belief keeps your Gut clean and facilitates healthy digestion of your thoughts and emotions as well.

2. Practice Deep Breathing – Breathing is “believing in the process of life.” Everything depends on our “breath.” Observe your breath every time you feel delighted, furious or scared – your breathing patterns change according to your emotions. Deep breathing before a meal can help the body digest food, similarly, deep breathing on a daily basis can also help you remain calm and process your emotions and thoughts. You will find quite a few techniques online for deep breathing or you could reach out to me for this.

3. Connect to Your Fears – “fear” resides in our Gut (stomach) and you have observed how it responds to anxiety and fear. Does the saying “butterflies in my stomach” ring a bell? Psychological or emotional reason for constipation could be holding on to old beliefs or being stubborn about something. Diarrhea could be some fear or rejection of new ideas. Fear dominates the health of our stomach – we need to assimilate the new and release our fears to lead a healthy life. Connect to your deep-rooted fears, what could be holding you back in life. What is it that you cannot accept about yourself – just let it go! If you need help with connecting and embracing your fears – reach out to me and we’ll help you sort this out.

4. Digest unprocessed Thoughts, Emotions and Feelings – when we are ecstatic we celebrate and share our joy and happiness with everyone. But when we feel angry or jealous, we tend to ignore these emotions. These unprocessed emotions, thoughts and feelings then get stored in our body. Unprocessed Jealousy and Anger often lead to indigestion, acidity and stomach ulcers. As humans, we are naturally meant to spread love, hope and joy but we are also prone to feeling angry, jealous and sad. So, allow yourself to experience and express negative (or not so positive) emotions. Believe me, this will help you lead a joyous life and also keep you healthy. Remember, a Healthy Gut is a sign of Healthy Mind and Body.

5. Deepen Intuition through Meditation – yes, there are quite a few apps that allow you to meditate. Deep meditation is not just listening to soothing music or guided meditation. It’s about going deeper within yourself. Start with 15 mins of meditation every day and gradually increase the duration to 30 and 45 mins. Reach out to me if you wish to learn the art of meditation.

6. Eat Healthy Food – last but not the least, focus on eating healthy food, food that aligns with your body constitution. This is not my expertise and thus I won’t share any tips on this point (Does, this sentence remind you of someone?). We all know what’s best for us but often become a victim of our food cravings. Avoid junk and eat food that your body loves (not your mind). If you need further help on this, reach out to your Dietician or Nutritionist.

May you strengthen your Mind-Gut connection and lead a Happy, Healthy and Successful life!

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